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The school is situated at Kathikode,a calm and serene locality in Koolimuttam village,

1 km away from NH 17 from Punnakkabazar, Mathilkam. The school is easily accessible from Thrissur,

Kodungallur. The nearest railway stations are Irinjalakkuda (19km) and Thrissur(43 km).




Well-equipped Science, Mathematics and Computer laboratories are maintained in the school . 

They provide ample learning experience in particular implementation of learning. The campus is

fully computerised and Wi-Fi facility of internet connectivity is established.




The School has a well organized library to meet the requirements of reading and knowledge acquisition.

The books are graded, classified and catalogued. Different magazines and periodicals are also

subscribed in the school.


Digital Classrooms


Innovative learning experience of digitalized learning is provided in the classrooms. The requirements

of all types of learners are satisfied when the technology is integrated with conventional teacher assisted learning.


Language Lab


To enhance students skill in English language a well equipped language lab is functioned under supervision

of highly qualified English teachers.




The school store provides all textbooks, bags , uniform materials and other stationery items.